Where Is This Thing Called Truth?

So many claims, Such incomplete satisfaction!

Adesh Acharya
2 min readApr 27, 2022

I was feeling quite unlike anything I have ever felt before during my evening walk today. Nothing special, just different.

As I reached towards the termination of the walk, I took a break and stood by the street inhaling whatever it is I inhale.

What if I am fated to feel and experience different each day of my life without feeling or knowing complete conclusive truth? — I wondered. I am someone who has made truth-seeking one major objective and motivation of his life. So, that thought wasn’t anything dramatic. It was just another thought.

(By truth-seeking I mean these truths: where am I? why I am here, what is my purpose, what should I be, etc. The type of questions science calls big while philosophy and arts call fundamental.)

And then that thought extended to this thought:

What if humans are fated to feel and experience different each day of their existence without feeling or knowing complete conclusive truth?

Yes, I do not believe humans — at least the famous ones — have been able to reach to a complete conclusive and satisfying truth on the big/fundamental questions. There are glimpses in all but as a whole I find them all dissatisfying one way or the other. All that the famous wise ones sell as truth I see as either hasty-conclusions or political weapons.

As of now, this is what I dare to call complete truth — that too with a pinch of skepticism):

Humans in this unknown,

Searching for Truth alone,

With their Minds!

By alone, I mean there is no other creature with whom humans can discuss these things in a language as sophisticated as the one we are using right now on Medium to convey and consume whatever we are conveying and consuming.

All this lead me to this thought:

Someday, somewhen, somewhere, someone (or a group of one’s) might somehow make a gargantuan breakthrough in the studies of mind — kickopening not just one but many doors to new thoughts, thinking, perception, emotions, etc. — allowing humans to move towards the complete conclusive truth.

Until then, I am okay to walk around — lucky if I get to experience new things each day — with this song in my head:

Humans in this unknown,

Searching for Truth alone,

With their Minds!

(That day might come today, tomorrow, in the next century or never. But we have glimpses. Let’s work with them for now.)



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