Where is the world going?

Adesh Acharya
4 min readOct 12, 2021
Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

My aim with this writing is to answer that vague question in short. Without hopefully annoying you guys.

So where the hell is the world going?

By, world I mean the creatures called humans and their conceivable environment.

World = Humans + Their environment

Where did the world come from?

The world came from this relation:

Nature > Man.

Nature: everything that is not Human.

A creature evolved in a planet called Earth which was able to think, be curious, and create things. But this creature was very feeble compared to most other and nature as a whole. Like a paper boat floating on a river, this creature floated wherever nature took it. Like every other creature.

Whenever nature made things difficult, it defended and preserved itself like every other creature. It ran, jumped, rolled, hid. Like every other creature.

In terms of consumption, it took from nature like every other creature. Just what it needed. It’s thirst was too small for nature to not be able to quench. And so it went about its business running away whenever nature made it hard and taking from nature whatever it could have.

But this creature slowly turned out different. For it could see the distinction between itself and nature. In fact, for some reason, it made that distinction. And so, this creature tried to balance the equation.

It tried to make: Nature = Man.

And gradually it did.


First it understood nature and her working principles. Then it applied that knowledge to create its own facilities; things nature had denied it. And then it used the same facilities to first, defend itself against nature through its own equipment and then attack nature for the sake of its own welfare and laws.

This transition was huge. For it became a creature that defended itself from nature with its self-created equipment. If nature troubled it or could do no longer do some task, this creature did it through its own understanding and creations.

It no longer depended on nature’s equipment as a fatalist. Neither did it require nature’s equipment for its safety net.

This also changed the consumption game.

Now it took from nature unlike any other creature.

It’s new found power increased its quantity and now it didn’t suffice to get from nature just what it needed. It’s thirst got huge. It’s appetite increased manifold.

Now it was at the level of nature. And so it went about its business creating its own things when nature made it hard. It took from nature whatever it could keep. If nature troubled, it challenged.

And then it balanced the equation.

Where is the world now?

Today, this creature is able to peek into nature’s deepest regions. Yes, nature is deeper but this creature is slowly getting there. At least in those sub-regions that are of concern to itself.

Nature initially didn’t allow any creature to reach beyond a certain point of her height. She did create a few that could fly high, but there was a limit. There is a rule man called gravity that made lots of ground works possible. Today, this creature called Man has built rockets to trespass that altitude and other sophisticated equipments to make it possible for it to remain and conquer those parts.

Nature initially didn’t allow any creature to understand it’s own understanding mechanism. She merely gave spaces for guessworks and hypotheses. She made the process of understanding the understander very confusing and complicated. Today, this creature called Man has built computer interfaces to externally map that confusion. It wants to create its own understander.

Nature didn’t allow any creature to see the ABCs of life. Today, Man has seen it and is even using its tools to replicate exactly what Nature can create. Man is even trying to beat nature’s ace of spade — death!

Every single day it is going higher and higher, deeper and deeper; and is getting clearer and clearer on Nature.

Although it has failed badly in self-organizing, it has succeeded in nature equaling. It has made this possible:

Nature = Man

It’s ability to know and create is what has made all this possible.

Where is the World going?


Man > Nature.

Today this creature called man is about to suffer from Nature. Because it once got very blind and reckless.

But this creature no matter how advanced it got, is like every other being in one area — it wants to survive!

Part of it is paying the price for its blindness. But that part is only its weakest. Its stronger components, those who created this problem will survive. They will defend themselves through their sophisticated understanding and equipment. But the weak links will collapse.

Today, nature is fighting her final battle with this creature. She will be ruthless one last time to balance the equation. The weaker ones will go. Perish!

Only those who proudly proclaim the truth of this equation:

Man> Nature

will survive.

Their determination, belief and will-to-survive will win.

But those who question that equation — won’t make it!

After this creature wins the battle, nature can no longer trouble it. It will start to mould, break and shape nature in a true sense. As per its requirement. It will create bigger than nature, stronger than nature.

Nature will float like a paper boat on a river wherever man takes her.


Nature will be obsolete!

And only the world will remain!

Only man and its world.



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