A White Canvas with Black Ink
Everytime I click ‘Write a Story’, this white screen comes up which has three black circular things on its upper left corner which is followed by Draft in Adesh Acharya to its right and a grey text that says either — Saved or Saving…
On the upper right corner is a green button with white font that says Publish which is followed by three grey dots, a grey bell and my photo in a circular frame.
Each time I reach here, I enter into a psychological zone which is a mixture of excitement and reflection.
Everything else vanishes — All problems occupying me, all practical stuff left undone. Gradually, I stop noticing items on the top! All that remains is this white screen where I am supposed to type words. Hands get dangerously automated. The keyboard blurs. Everything I can see, hear, smell, taste, touch, think and feel — feels like clay of which I am to sculpt!
Then, even the sculpting vanishes.
All that eventually remains is a white canvas with black ink; where I get peaceful, where I sense a responsibility towards the human race— This is getting templesque!