15 Deep Lichtenberg Quotes To Upgrade Your Thoughts
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg is one of the most underrated and original thinkers. This 18th century German was a physicist by profession, a philosopher and satirist by nature.
His philosophical/psychological works come to us mostly through his series of notebooks. I read a few notes from them I managed to find on the internet. They were serious life lessons for me. After that, I turned to him whenever I wanted inspiration on free and deep thinking. I still do. His sarcastic, realistic, deep lines cut through a lot of sheepish mental crap of mine.
Here are a few things said about him from relatively credible sources:
Lichtenberg digs deeper than anyone… Only he hears him who digs deep himself — Karl Kraus
Perhaps he was even more remarkable as a psychologist than as a physicist — Sigmund Freud
We may use Lichtenberg’s writings as the most wonderful dowsing rod: wherever he makes a joke, there a problem lies hidden — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Now let us look at 15 Powerful Quotes by him that will upgrade your mind and take your thinking to the next level. These…